Friday, June 4, 2010

Have you Enjoyed our Blog This Year?

If you have viewed and enjoyed our classroom Blog this year, please let me know. I am evaluating whether parents and other family members have learned about our school day & the experiences we have in kindergarten through this added means of communication. As it is a time-consuming process, I'd appreciate your feedback. Please send me an e-mail or note if you have found it of value to you and your child. Thank you!
*Remember, you may right-click on photos to save or print.
Thanks for a great year!

Mrs. Wishy-Washy

MRS. WISHY-WASHY was our literature selection for our W page in our ABC books.

ROCKETS Help Reinforce Math Skills

In kindergarten, students learn to count back from 20 to zero. We made countdown rockets to help with mastery of this skill.

Science: Wood and Paper Unit

For our culminating activity in our Wood and Paper unit, students created wood sculptures!

Testing the water absorbency of various types of wood

Sink and Float experiment

Memorial Day

As part of our Social Studies this week we learned about the significance of Memorial Day.
Students wrote sentences telling about Memorial Day.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Our Visit to 1st Grade!

We visited Mrs.Smith's 1st Grade class this week! It was SO cool to see the insides of real desks and lockers! Our 1st grade buddies gave very good tours!
Mrs.Smith read us a story and we got our questions about 1st grade answered!
Only 14 more days left of kindergarten!!! (That's if Mrs.Kapsner can bear to let us go!)

Science: Living Things

In addition to observing goldfish and tadpoles, kindergartners planted and observed the following plants:
  • sunflowers
  • zinnias
  • lettuce
  • marigolds
  • summer squash
  • basil and
  • pumpkins

Today they will go home. Remember plants need water, light, air, space and soil to thrive!